
1. Show the usage of typeof operator on different types of values

  • The typeof operator returns a string indicating the type of the operand
typeof 50; //   "number"
typeof "text"; //   "string"
typeof true; //   "boolean"
typeof undefined; //   "undefined"
typeof function () {}; //   "function"
typeof 10n; //   "bigint"
typeof Symbol(); //   "symbol"
typeof [1, 2]; //   "object"
typeof {}; //   "object"
typeof NaN; //   "number"        (NaN is Not a Number)
typeof undeclaredVar; //   "undefined"     (undeclaredVariable is never declared)
typeof Infinity; //   "number"        (Infinity, -Infinity, -0 are all valid numbers in JavaScript)
typeof null; //   "object"        (This stands since the beginning of JavaScript)
typeof /regex/; //   "object"        (regular expressions start and end with '/' in literal form)


Arrays and functions are sub type of objects


2. Show the different ways of concatenating numbers and strings

  • Concatenation of strings and numbers is a common practical use case
// numbers and strings
1 + "2"; // 12
1 + 2 + "3"; // 33
1 + 2 + "3" + "4"; // 334
1 + "One"; // 1One
// strings and numbers
"1" + 2; // 12
"1" + "2" + 3; // 123
"1" + "2" + 3 + 4; // 1234
"1" + "2" + (3 + 4); // 127
"One" + 1; // One1
// mix of string and numbers
1 + 2 + "3" + "4" + 5 + 6; // 33456
1 + 2 + "3" + "4" + (5 + 6); // 33411
"1" + "2" + (3 + 4) + 5 + "6"; // 12756


3. Show the conversion from number to string and vice versa

  • Conversion between numbers and strings is a common practical use case
// number to string conversion
const num = 12;
String(num); // "12"
num.toString(); // "12"
num + ""; // "12"
// string to number conversion
const str = "12";
Number(str); // 12
+str; // 12
parseInt(str); // 12


If the number is floating, parseFloat can be used. parseInt and parseFloat are the methods present on the Number object also


4. Write a code to operate on integer numbers outside the range of numbers in JavaScript

  • BigInt is a datatype in JavaScript which facilitates the mathematical operations on huge value of integer number
  • It is represented by a suffix 'n' for number value
// assignment of big integers
const bigNum1 = 1526688934595n,
  bigNum2 = 256489246848n,
  num3 = 1562365;
const bigSum = bigNum1 + bigNum2;
const bigDiff = bigNum1 - bigNum2;
const total = bigNum1 + bigNum2 + BigInt(num3);


The big integers cannot be operated directly with normal number datatype. 10n + 20 is not allowed


5. Show the usage of ||, &&, ?? and !! with code examples

  • The logical OR (||) operator for a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true
  • The logical AND (&&) operator for a set of operands is true if and only if all of its operands are true
  • The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand
  • The double NOT (!!) operator used to explicitly force the conversion of any value to the corresponding boolean primitive
const num1 = 10,
  num2 = 20;
true || false; // true
false || false; // false
false || num1; // 10
0 || num2; // 20
"text" || true; // "text"
num1 > 0 || num2 < 0; // true
const num1 = 10,
  num2 = 20;
true && true; // true
true && false; // false
true && num1; // 10
num1 && num2; // 20
"text" && num1 + num2; // 30
num1 > 0 && num2 < 0; // false
undefined ?? 10; // 10
null ?? 20; // 20
false ?? num1; // false
0 ?? num2; // 0
!!10; // true
!!{}; // true
!!""; // false
!!0; // false


It is not possible to combine both the AND (&&) and OR operators (||) directly with ??


6. Show the frequently and commonly used methods available on Number object with coding examples

  • isInteger is used to check if the given number is integer or not
  • parseInt is used to convert a given value in to integer
  • parseFloat is used to convert a given value in to floating number
  • isNaN is used to check if the given value is NaN or no
  • toFixed is used to limit the number of digits after the decimal place
  • toPrecision is used to limit the total number of digits to represent the number
Number.isInteger(1.5); // false
Number.isInteger(-15); // true
Number.parseInt("5.8"); // 5
Number.parseInt("123x"); // 123
Number.parseFloat("5.86"); // 5.86
Number.parseFloat("-12.69x"); // -12.69
Number.isNaN(NaN); // true
Number.isNaN("text" - 10); // true
Number.isNaN("text"); // false
(56.369).toFixed(2); // 56.37
(59).toFixed(3); // 59.000
(32.458).toPrecision("3"); // 32.5
(98.1).toPrecision(1); // 1e+2


NaN is special type of number and this value is results by the invalid mathematical operations such as substraction of number and text


7. Write the polyfill for Number.isNaN

  • A polyfill is a piece of code used to provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support it
  • NaN is the only value which is not equal to itself and hence comparision operator cannot be used directly to check if a value is NaN
Number.isNaN =
  Number.isNaN ||
  function isNaN(input) {
    return typeof input === "number" && input !== input;


Even though the name says Not a Number, it is of type "number"


8. Show the frequently and commonly used methods available on Math object with coding examples

  • abs is used to get the absolute value of the given number
  • floor is used to get the greatest integer smaller than or equal to the given number
  • ceil is used to get the smallest integer greater than or equal to the given number
  • round is used to round the given number to the nearest integer.
  • max is used to get the largest of zero or more numbers
  • min is used to get the smallest of zero or more numbers
  • sqrt is used to calculate the square root of the given number
  • pow is used to calculate the power base on inputs
  • trunc is used to return the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits (method is present on prototype of Number)
Math.abs(-5));                      // 5
Math.floor(1.6));                   // 1
Math.ceil(2.4));                    // 3
Math.round(3.8));                   // 4
Math.max(-4, 5, 6));                // 6
Math.min(-7, -2, 3));               // -7
Math.sqrt(64));                     // 8
Math.pow(5, 3));                    // 125
Math.trunc(-6.3));                  // -6


9. How can we solve the problem of comparision of 0.1 + 0.2 with 0.3 where === operator fails

  • The addition of 0.1 and 0.2 will result in to 0.30000000000000004 and the comparision with 0.3 fails
  • Number.epsilon is 2-52, which can be used to verify if this decimal values are matching
0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3 < Number.EPSILON; // true


10. Write a code to iterate over a string

  • String can be traversed using its string index or value as string can act like an iterable
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
for (let index in str) {
for (let value of str) {
[...str].forEach((value) => console.log(value));


11. Show the usage of template literals with expression interpolation and tagged templates

  • Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions and support multi lines
  • Template literals are enclosed by the backtick `
  • Tagged templates allow to parse template literals with a function which gets array of strings and expressions as arguments
// Template literals with expression interpolation
const num1 = 10,
  num2 = 20;
`The sum of ${num1} and ${num2} is ${num1 + num2}`; // The sum of 10 and 20 is 30
// Tagged templates
let person = "John";
let membership = [1, 3];
function myTag(strings, person, membership) {
  let communities = ["Java", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "HTML", "CSS"];
  let str0 = strings[0]; // "Note:"
  let str1 = strings[1]; // "is a member of following communities:"
  let personCommunities = => communities[index]);
  return `${str0}${person}${str1}${personCommunities}`;
myTag`Note: ${person} is a member of following communities: ${membership}`; // Note: John is a member of following communities: JavaScript,HTML


12. Write a code to show the working of try...catch...finally

  • The try statement consists of a try-block, which contains one or more statements. At least one catch-block, or a finally-block, must be present
  • The exceptions and errors from try block are caught in catch block
try {
  // Below statement will throw an Error
} catch (error) {
  // Create a new error and throw
  throw new Error(error); // ReferenceError: callAPI is not defined
} finally {
  console.log("I will execute no matter what happened in try or catch");


  • try can be chained with catch block or finally block
  • try..catch only works synchronously and for runtime errors


13. Show the creation and usage of symbol with code

  • A "symbol" represents a unique identifier
  • Symbol.for method searches for existing symbols in a runtime-wide symbol registry returns the same. If not found, creates a new Symbol
  • Symbol.keyFor method retrieves the name of the symbol
// new symbol
let symId = Symbol("id");
// global symbol
let symUsername = Symbol.for("username");
// get name by symbol
Symbol.keyFor(symUsername); // username


Symbols are skipped by for…in


14. Demonstrate the usage of String Escape Sequences

  • Specifies that the following character should be interpreted as a literal character
// 1. Newline and Tab
const newlineTabExample = "Line 1\nLine 2\tTabbed";
// Output:
// Line 1
// Line 2    Tabbed
// 2. Escaping Double Quotes
const escapeDoubleQuoteExample = "He said, \"Hello, World!\"";
// Output: He said, "Hello, World!"
// 3. Escaping Single Quotes
const escapeSingleQuoteExample = 'It\'s a wonderful day!';
// Output: It's a wonderful day!
// 4. Unicode Smiley Face
const unicodeSmileyExample = "Smile: \u263A";
// Output: Smile: ☺
// 5. File Path with Double Backslashes
const filePathExample = "Path: C:\\\\Program Files\\\\MyApp";
// Output: Path: C:\\Program Files\\MyApp

15. Show the usage of instanceof operator on different types of objects

The instanceof operator checks if an object is an instance of a specific class or constructor function.

console.log([] instanceof Array); // true
console.log({} instanceof Object); // true
console.log(function() {} instanceof Function); // true
console.log(new Date() instanceof Date); // true
console.log("text" instanceof String); // false (primitive string, not an object)
console.log(new String("text") instanceof String); // true (String object)


16. Demonstrate the usage of Array.isArray() to check for arrays

The Array.isArray() method determines whether the provided value is an array.

console.log(Array.isArray([])); // true
console.log(Array.isArray({})); // false
console.log(Array.isArray("string")); // false
console.log(Array.isArray(new Array())); // true


17. Show how to create and use a WeakMap with objects

WeakMaps are collections of key-value pairs where keys are objects and can be garbage-collected if there are no other references.

const weakMap = new WeakMap();
let obj1 = {};
let obj2 = {};
weakMap.set(obj1, "Object 1");
weakMap.set(obj2, "Object 2");
console.log(weakMap.get(obj1)); // "Object 1"
console.log(weakMap.get(obj2)); // "Object 2"
obj1 = null; // obj1 can be garbage collected now
// weakMap entry for obj1 will also be removed automatically
